Q: How do I submit texts in my language?
A: Use the "Contribute" link at the bottom of the TypeRacer page. Remember to carefully check spelling, punctuation etc., and note that some content copied from the internet can contain non-typeable characters: https://tinyurl.com/contributetext
Q: I found a problem in a text in my language. What can I do?
A: You can let us know in by either emailing us, support[ at ]typeracer.com or joining our Discord and letting us know in our #text-discussion channel. Remember that we probably don't speak your language, so you'll need to be very specific with the information you provide about the problem and how we can fix it.
Q: How else can I help?
General feedback is great! Are the texts in your language interesting to type, or boring? What would you like to see more of? Are there a lot of errors or problems with the text?
Q: I want to submit a lot of texts for my language. How can I contribute more?
A: If you want to do a bulk submission, please review the instructions and template here. https://tinyurl.com/bulktextsubmit
Q: Can I see the texts other users have contributed?
A: Yes, the spreadsheet is here. Note it's very large and will take a long time to open on some computers. https://tinyurl.com/allcontributions
Q: What other community resources are there for TypeRacer texts?
A: There's a "Text Management Master Spreadsheet" here, with tons of text-related info that our staff and volunteer text managers use. https://tinyurl.com/textmasterspreadsheet
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